I have been busy this month. Not that this month is any different from any other month, but I have not been able to DO things around the house like normal. Since I last posted, I have done lots. Lots and lots. (me talk good too!!)
I took Megan to the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Chantilly, VA. We had so much fun. I won't go into detail, I don't have that kind of time right now, but Megan wants to go again next year. 3 cheers for me. I hope she will still want to when she is 14...
Report cards came home. Yikes. Melissa got all 3's and 3+'s. (that's what 2nd graders get around here, well the smart ones anyway) Morgan got all A's and B's. (no surprise there. she is a little brainiac) Megan got 1 A, 3 B's and 2 C's. You would have thought she killed someone with her bare hands the way DH reacted. I mean, come on, who hasn't had a "bad" grade at some point?! He wants to take her life away. Nothing in her room except the bed and the clothes we choose for her everyday. I am NOT going for that. I talked him into getting school work for her to do EVERYDAY this summer. Monday thru Friday. Sorta like summer school. I explained, to them both, that if we want her to get good grades we need to help her out, not punish her. She seems to be okay with it. So does DH. We'll see. Melissa and Morgan begged for workbooks, so all 3 will be sitting at the table this summer. Go figure.
Wednesday was a dear friends last day at our office. She retired. I will miss her everyday. She was with the government for 22 years. An opportunity came along that she COULD NOT pass up. So she has succumbed to the dark side, and is now a contractor. With her goes my office help. You thought I wasn't updating before......just you wait and see now. Really, you'll be waiting.....
Last Thursday, 26 June, I went under the knife. I had to have a bone transplant in my jaw. The doctor took a piece of jaw from the back and put it in the front where I had a too narrow piece of jaw bone. All I remember is the O2 and the IV. Then Dr M told me he was giving me some "happy juice" and I woke up with gauze in my mouth. He told me it was a 1-2, no more of a 2-3 day recovery. Maybe for a SUPERHERO. I am NO superhero. Friday I was fine in my little world of painlessness. Saturday DH took Morgan to the Indy car races in Richmond and left me with Megan and Melissa taking care of me. I LOVE my girls. They took such good care of me. Megan even offered to bring me the barf bowl, because, "you don't look so good mom". Melissa kept covering me up, because the fan was on and I was all spralled out on the arm chair. She didn't want me to get cold. (I had asked for the fan to be turned on.) Sunday was more of nothingness. I was a TUBE BOOB. I held down the chair and saved my family from eating any of the soft food in the house. Here it is Monday, and I thought I would be fine. Back to work, no problem. Here I sit. At my desk. Waiting for 4pm. Why, oh why, did I want to carpool with my DH!?!?!?! I could have left right after 1pm (I had deadlines) and gone home and NAPPED. Doesn't that sound heavenly?!?!!
I think I will not do anything for the rest of the month.
July, on the other hand, looks to be more relaxed......
Are you laughing your ASS OFF now? I am.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
My butt's burning.....So much for a SLOW June
Yes, my pants are on fire......
I admit it. I lied. I really didn't think about it too much. Just lied.
I "thought" that "it" was calming down. What in the blankity-blank was I thinking?!?!?! I just plain wasn't thinking.
I forgot about the girl scout sleepover at the Great Wolf Lodge. AND I forgot that Megan needed "skinny" jeans for her dance show on saturday. (She's a size 1, how much skinnier can they get?) AND I forgot that Morgan needed a brightly colored, solid colored t-shirt, with no words, patterns or pictures to wear with the dark blue jeans she needs for her chorus performance on Thursday. AND I forgot that Melissa needed a black t-shirt to go with her blue jeans for her Thursday performance, oh Yeah, she also needs a Susan B. Anthony outfit for Wednesday. (this requirement was handed to us TODAY.) Stay with me folks. I realize this is out of order, but so is my brain..... I managed to get the MAY swaps done and packaged up for mailing. I got them done and in the envelopes by Friday evening. I was all set to get up Saturday, shower, head to the post office, come home and pack for the girl scout trip and be a happy camper. (in a hotel :D) It didn't go as planned. Morgan was a bit slow in packing, Melissa was less than cooperative, etc.... Something had to give. It was the packages. I asked DH to mail them when he mentioned that he was going to the post office for stamps. He and Megan rode their bikes to the post office. He didn't take the packages. They were too "whatever". I guess I didn't manage to convey the urgency in which I needed them mailed. I'll go to the post office tomorrow.
I had my annual "Spread them and smile" appointment today. Finally. Forgot the one I made about three weeks ago. Told everyone in the office that I was leaving early for a Dr appointment and managed to work through it. The Dr office called to reschedule. They had to reschedule that one. Some baby decided to be born that afternoon. Some kids!!! I am very proud that I was able to make it to this one. AND I didn't get lost. They moved since last year. I made it there, first try and on time. I was on a roll today.
They scheduled me for a boob squeeze on Thursday. Let's hope I can remember that one. Because I SOOOO look forward to them. NOT.
Okay, so you have stayed with me this far. Almost done. Megan has rehearsal Thursday night, so Danny and she will miss the girls' performances. But that's okay, I can record them. Oh wait. We don't have a video camera. They aren't cheap enough yet. So instead we are missing out on recording our adorable daughters doing adorable things. MEN. (not really man bashing - more tired than anything else) Saturday Morgan and Melissa will start riding lessons at a new stable. Danny will take them. I will take Megan and drop her off for her performances. She is doing two shows on Saturday. We are only going to one. Fortunately the dance studio is hiring a video taking guy. (did I mention I am tired?!?!?)
Then on Monday, I get to go out of town for 3 or 4 days. But, I have to be back for Morgan's 5th grade graduation on Friday. Then Danny is out of town Monday till Thursday morning. He was supposed to be gone until Friday, but Megan and I are leaving on the 19th for the Great American Scrapbook Convention. We are meeting Rosemary and Karen up there. We are so excited. Megan and I will drop Morgan and Melissa off at the summer camp they are going to attend this year, and head to the convention from there. Danny's plane is scheduled to land mid to late morning. He'll pick them up.
Megan and I will return from a grueling schedule of classes Sunday. Who was the idiot that signed us up for that many, back to back classes?!?!??!?!
I am scheduled for oral surgery on Thursday. Recouperation is scheduled for 2-3 days. (That's the story I was given. I hope it is right.)
My June is booked too. Belly Dancing is out of the question for this month. My Thursdays just won't allow it. I will jiggle again in July. (You have been warned. I am not giving my ever loving, supportive family that warning. They will just double over in laughter, again.)
And did I mention that they still want me to feed them......How did this happen? Again.
Here's a bit of a visual reward for listening to me whine:
The pens I made for the PTA to sell for Mother's Day.
Well, a few of the 200 I sent in.

Morgan on her journey to Masterquester. (She didn't make Masterquester on the trip this pic was taken, but who really cares?!)

One of the roads in Williamsburg. Beautiful isnt' it. So peaceful and relaxed. Think I will be looking back at this one quite a bit this month.
(Yup, that is my Crown antennae topper. Love it)

You can't beat s'mores.
or Watching the "lost" marshmallows in the fire.

Are my girls talented, or what?????

Wii love to play. (Butt is still sore and now burnt too.)

This fry would have made us millions. They claim it is heart shaped.
Just ask the spoon nosed freaks.
Ebay, watch out... If I only would have let them.... I am such a mean mommy.

Megan learned how to use a sewing machine in "Teen Living". They made shorts. Boxer-ish shorts. Used to be Home Economics. But she loved it so much, she made her sister a pair of shorts too.

More later.....
I admit it. I lied. I really didn't think about it too much. Just lied.
I "thought" that "it" was calming down. What in the blankity-blank was I thinking?!?!?! I just plain wasn't thinking.
I forgot about the girl scout sleepover at the Great Wolf Lodge. AND I forgot that Megan needed "skinny" jeans for her dance show on saturday. (She's a size 1, how much skinnier can they get?) AND I forgot that Morgan needed a brightly colored, solid colored t-shirt, with no words, patterns or pictures to wear with the dark blue jeans she needs for her chorus performance on Thursday. AND I forgot that Melissa needed a black t-shirt to go with her blue jeans for her Thursday performance, oh Yeah, she also needs a Susan B. Anthony outfit for Wednesday. (this requirement was handed to us TODAY.) Stay with me folks. I realize this is out of order, but so is my brain..... I managed to get the MAY swaps done and packaged up for mailing. I got them done and in the envelopes by Friday evening. I was all set to get up Saturday, shower, head to the post office, come home and pack for the girl scout trip and be a happy camper. (in a hotel :D) It didn't go as planned. Morgan was a bit slow in packing, Melissa was less than cooperative, etc.... Something had to give. It was the packages. I asked DH to mail them when he mentioned that he was going to the post office for stamps. He and Megan rode their bikes to the post office. He didn't take the packages. They were too "whatever". I guess I didn't manage to convey the urgency in which I needed them mailed. I'll go to the post office tomorrow.
I had my annual "Spread them and smile" appointment today. Finally. Forgot the one I made about three weeks ago. Told everyone in the office that I was leaving early for a Dr appointment and managed to work through it. The Dr office called to reschedule. They had to reschedule that one. Some baby decided to be born that afternoon. Some kids!!! I am very proud that I was able to make it to this one. AND I didn't get lost. They moved since last year. I made it there, first try and on time. I was on a roll today.
They scheduled me for a boob squeeze on Thursday. Let's hope I can remember that one. Because I SOOOO look forward to them. NOT.
Okay, so you have stayed with me this far. Almost done. Megan has rehearsal Thursday night, so Danny and she will miss the girls' performances. But that's okay, I can record them. Oh wait. We don't have a video camera. They aren't cheap enough yet. So instead we are missing out on recording our adorable daughters doing adorable things. MEN. (not really man bashing - more tired than anything else) Saturday Morgan and Melissa will start riding lessons at a new stable. Danny will take them. I will take Megan and drop her off for her performances. She is doing two shows on Saturday. We are only going to one. Fortunately the dance studio is hiring a video taking guy. (did I mention I am tired?!?!?)
Then on Monday, I get to go out of town for 3 or 4 days. But, I have to be back for Morgan's 5th grade graduation on Friday. Then Danny is out of town Monday till Thursday morning. He was supposed to be gone until Friday, but Megan and I are leaving on the 19th for the Great American Scrapbook Convention. We are meeting Rosemary and Karen up there. We are so excited. Megan and I will drop Morgan and Melissa off at the summer camp they are going to attend this year, and head to the convention from there. Danny's plane is scheduled to land mid to late morning. He'll pick them up.
Megan and I will return from a grueling schedule of classes Sunday. Who was the idiot that signed us up for that many, back to back classes?!?!??!?!
I am scheduled for oral surgery on Thursday. Recouperation is scheduled for 2-3 days. (That's the story I was given. I hope it is right.)
My June is booked too. Belly Dancing is out of the question for this month. My Thursdays just won't allow it. I will jiggle again in July. (You have been warned. I am not giving my ever loving, supportive family that warning. They will just double over in laughter, again.)
And did I mention that they still want me to feed them......How did this happen? Again.
Here's a bit of a visual reward for listening to me whine:
The pens I made for the PTA to sell for Mother's Day.
Well, a few of the 200 I sent in.
Morgan on her journey to Masterquester. (She didn't make Masterquester on the trip this pic was taken, but who really cares?!)
One of the roads in Williamsburg. Beautiful isnt' it. So peaceful and relaxed. Think I will be looking back at this one quite a bit this month.
(Yup, that is my Crown antennae topper. Love it)
You can't beat s'mores.
or Watching the "lost" marshmallows in the fire.
Are my girls talented, or what?????
Wii love to play. (Butt is still sore and now burnt too.)
This fry would have made us millions. They claim it is heart shaped.
Just ask the spoon nosed freaks.
Ebay, watch out... If I only would have let them.... I am such a mean mommy.
Megan learned how to use a sewing machine in "Teen Living". They made shorts. Boxer-ish shorts. Used to be Home Economics. But she loved it so much, she made her sister a pair of shorts too.
More later.....
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