Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Donna Downey is a Jersey Girl
She is the most personable teacher I have had the pleasure of meeting in a while. She is so friendly and funny. I didn't feel like an idiot at any point during her class. And let me tell you, I normally do several times during any given class. We had a whole 3 hours with her. Bill is so cute. Much better IRL, if you know what I mean, wink, wink. AND talk about a sweetie... The ladies at Beach Scrapbook are fabulous. They had most of the supplies we needed there at the store. Good thing too. Because you all know how I need more eyelets. LOL. Megan went to the class with me. I will have to post a picture of the three of us, Megan, Donna and Me. But not tonight. I am tired. I didn't feel well Monday and Today, so I was home. You would think I would have blogged. But, I didn't want to get paint on the keyboard. My priority was to attempt to finish the incredible book from Donna's wonderful class. I am "this" close to finishing it. Photos are promised. I wasn't a total bum. I made a beef roast with homemade mashed potatoes for dinner tonight.
Way behind, and won't be caught up today either.
Anyway, after the meal, Carolyn and Brannon took Megan and Melissa back to the house. Danny, Stephanie and myself went to a party at a friends home. She was celebrating the end of a 4 year long divorce. Her ex just wouldn't let go - of the money. He wanted all of hers. She is the one who made wise choices and invested well. He is a no-load who ended up getting way more than he deserves. And he didn't get more than a bunch of lawyers bills. The party was very nice. She hired a band. Route 66. They were pretty good. I can't believe she hired them and had them set up in her house. But she did. We are not party animals, and despite the good time, we headed home around 10.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Party Pics
Friday, October 17, 2008
Halloween Sleepover Party 2008
The girls are very excited. I think this will be an annual event now...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Designing Halloween 2007
Please don't hate the photographer. Hate her skills. Or lack of skills. I will probably try to take better pictures of this layout when I have finished my next assignment. Which I will tomorrow, I hope.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Autumn Vegetable Chowder
Haunted Houses, Invitations

This is four of the cards we made. There are 12 total. All of them a variation of the design you see above. All of them really cute. And here is the inside of the card. If you're free, come on over...

The girls won't be able to give them out until Thursday because I want to put some little Halloween confetti-ish shapes in each one.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Designing Easter
I put this little layout together for her class in nothing flat. The scan is REALLY bad, but you get the idea.
I would have finished another assignment, but Danny cut his finger and we had to take him to get stitches. Then out for lunch, and I dropped them all off and went to the grocery store. I took Melissa with me. So we stopped off at A.C. Moore. I had to. I had a few 55% off coupons. I ended up saving $95. My bill was only $93. I did GREAT. Of course Danny would counter that I could have saved even more by not going at all. So I did what any smart, scrapbooking wife does. I came home and cooked him a homemade dinner. Yup. I made shredded beef tacos. And boy were they good.
He thanked me several times during dinner. (odd) AND he thanked me a few times AFTER dinner. (very rare).
Well, I am off to watch Desperate Housewives and then to read for a bit.
Designing My Life, and LOVING it.
I think this turned out wonderfully.
It really captures Melissa's beauty. Both inside and out.
Gotta go now.
I haven't finished the book just yet.