Monday, June 29, 2009
Going Buggy Blog Candy
Cupcake Candy

Middle School Sucks.....again.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Opus Gluei and Gluebooks
I took an old, slightly used composition notebook, a stick of glue, a pair of scissors and some old magazines. The first challenge on the YAHOO Gluebook group for me was PURPLE.
So, here it is. My first gluebook page. I made is a while back, but am just now posting it.
(I have a NO STRESS IN CREATING policy.)

The challenge this week on OPUS GLUEI is WHITE WEDDING. Since I don't have any weddings coming up, I decided to make a page in my gluebook. See how handy they are to have around!
And the left page:
Take those as you will.....
Friday Fillins # 130
1. She had a great mind, now if she could only remember where she left it.
2. Sense of self is by my side, always.
3. I know this: MIDDLE SCHOOL SUCKS.
4. Hurting still.
5. These words apply to me: feeling inadequate
6. Though her heart was breaking the sun was shining.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to nothing :-), tomorrow my plans include picking up some goodies, taking Melissa to her reading class and then to dinner and a movie - just Melissa and I and Sunday, I want to play in my play room and not feed anyone!
365 Cards - Catchin' up molasses style...

I made this card for the 365 Cards - Day 117 Challenge - Simply Stamped. I made this in time to post, just didn't get to posting it. This darned family wants to eat. EVERYDAY.
Anyway, the peacock is from Unity's January Kit of the month, and the quote "Dare to be FABULOUS" is from Stampin UP. Not sure which kit. Sorry. I colored with regular ole Crayola colored pencils.
And, why YES, that is the 2009-2010 Stampin UP Catalog. Yummy. I have a wish list started...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Opus Gluei Challenge #14 - Patriotism

And a fine one at that. I made this project with him in mind. I hoped that the banner would look like nautical flags. It is hard to see, but there are letters that spell out "H-A-P-P-Y-4th".
(I was hoping to get a better picture, but I suck at photography, so this is all I got. You can click on it to enlarge for more detail.)
Head over to Opus Gluei for more patriotic projects.
Menu Monday

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Books, Books, Books
First stop is the bargain book section. You never know what treasures lie buried there.
Then on to find the book that sent me there in the first place. Of course there are plenty of books along the route that demand my attention. I am unable to simply find what I am there for and leave. I MUST browse. It is required for my sanity. Or what’s left of it.
I was recently introduced to a wonderful website. Paperback Swap. Amy hosts a wonderful book blog. (You should check out her blog Chic Book Chicks) One of the buttons on her blog takes you to I was curious, so I clicked on the link and have now traded about 50 books so far. (Received and mailed combined) I am somewhat addicted.
This is a swapping site. Although the name is Paperback, there are hard cover books, audio cassette and CD’s listed as well. You may request books from others, and they may request books from you. You are on the hook to pay for postage to get your book to the requester, AND likewise the person from whom you have requested a book is to pay for the postage to get you their book. Once you mail the book to someone, it is theirs to read and keep or trade. Once you receive a book you have requested, it is yours to read and keep or trade. Postage is book rate and has only been $2 or $3 a book, depending on the size of the book.
If there is a book you are interested in and it isn’t listed as an available book, which happens with the more recent releases, you can put a title on your wish list. I have about 30 books on my wish list. Books for me, my daughters and my hubby too. You can view where you stand in line to get the book. I am 12th in line of 27 people waiting for one book on my list. If you are patient, which I am for some of the books, you just wait and you will receive an email notification when your turn is up. Same goes for someone requesting a book from your listing of available books. You get an email.
This website has everything set up such that all you do is click a few buttons and whiz-bang you are ready to mail any books that have been requested of you. You only need to click a few buttons and you can print a pre-prepared mailing label. If you choose to purchase postage through the site, it will be printed right on the mailing label. Everything is already filled out for you. Your address, the recipients address, words indicating that it is a book. It’s great. The site does charge a small fee for providing postage, but is well worth it if you are like me and have problems getting to a post office. The smaller paperback books can then be put in a mail box.
I listed a recent series of books, and two seconds later they were all scooped up. I printed out 6 labels, with postage. Another wonderful feature is that you can wrap a paperback book in the paper on which you printed the mailing label. It’s so easy.
There are all sorts of books posted on the site. I have posted fantasy, mystery, children’s, cookbooks…
What are you waiting for? If you read, you need to check them out.
Does this book make my geek show?

I am the geek.
I was at the store with my oldest daughter (14 yrs old). We went to the LSS for a Quickutz meeting, which we missed because I had the time wrong. I offered up Michaels as a consolation prize (mostly for me). We ended up going to TJMAXX instead. While we were heading (wandering aimlessly) to the check out lines, I found the BOOK SHELF.
I couldn’t help myself. Especially when I saw titles that I knew to be sci-fi/fantasy books. (okay, so maybe I am starting to see the geek in me) I had one in hand when a young (late teen) girl approached with her boyfriend. I saw the movement from the corner of my eye, but I didn’t look at them, I had to make sure there were enough books on the shelf. I didn’t want them to take the last one. Keep in mind that at this point I didn’t know which books I really wanted, but I knew I didn’t want to have any choices taken away either. Because you know that I NEED to read every book out there about supernatural beings.
Anyway, I heard the girl ask the boy which of the books was the first in the series. I had just figured that out myself so, I turned to her and offered up the title. She stood there in her beaten up jeans, a couple of tank tops and PINK hair looking WAY cooler than I have ever been in my life. I stood there in my Capri pants, one t-shirt and graying hair looking geekier than I ever have been (or felt) in my life.
We paid for our items and left the store. All the while I couldn’t help but wondering why that same book was cool in her hands and geeky in mine.
Guess it isn’t the book, is it?!?!?!?!?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Menu Monday

Monday, June 15, 2009
365 Cards - Day 107 - So Girly - Melissa's Card

Thank you for looking at her creation. I am one very proud mommy.
365 Cards - Day 107 - So Girly

Opus Gluei - Challenge # 13 - How does your Garden Grow?
I have had this quilt kit for way too long. I broke it out and am really glad I did.
It has been way too long since I have sewn anything. We just got rid of a throw pillow because it needed mending and it had been too long waiting. Oops! I guess I should have hung onto it a bit longer.
Anyway, here are the few blocks that I have managed to get done. I really like them. Even if they are rather pastel-ey. Not sure that they will become a quilt.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
365 Cards - Day 106 - Morgan's Card
365 Cards - Days 106, 98 and 80

This is another card I made in my attempt to catch up on 365 Cards. It is for Day 80 - You're So Plaid. It doesn't look like there is plaid on here. It didn't work out the way I had hoped. I stamped the popped up fish on plaid paper. The stamp covered all the plaid. You can barely see the plaid on the edges. But, it is the card I made for the challenge so here it is. Even though it doesn't look like it has plaid, I kind of like it.

Looking at this card, it would qualify for several other challenges as well. 3 different textures, loosely could be for todays sketch... BUT, I am determined to make a card for each challenge. So I choose for this one to be Day 98.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
365 Cards - Catching up one card at a time (or two)

Friday, June 12, 2009
2. Unity Stamp Co. was the last website I was at before coming here.
3. Why don't you come over and we can play together?
4. Creating helps me relax.
5. Thanks for the time you give to me.
6. I wish towards work I could be very off-putting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with my hubby and girls, tomorrow my plans include crafting and Sunday, I want to craft some more!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Eye candy from across blogland

I love all the colors and beads. Check out more here.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins
1. It's raining outside and I want to stay home.
2. My favorite thing for dinner lately has been whatever someone else is making.
3. Doggie goes bark! bark! bark!
4. A nice long walk on a warm rainy day.
5. It's Friday, gimme some good news.
6. When all is said and done, it's over.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to not a darned thing. (YAY), tomorrow my plans include driving to Williamsburg to eat dinner with Rosemary and David and then crafting and playing and Sunday, I want to spend most of the day with Rosemary and David before heading home mid-afternoon!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Ikea and me. Early in the morning.
I pulled into the IKEA parking lot about 45 minutes before they opened. I was NOT going to leave without an Expedite Bookshelf. I "needed" another one for my craft room. So I pulled into a parking spot. As weird as this sounds, you know me stalking the store doors, I was not the only car in the lot. There were three others already waiting. IKEA is some good shopping. (My car is the red one.)

I don't have an more pictures because once the store opened I flew into a shopping frenzy and was afraid the drool would ruin my camera. Sorry. I found the bookshelf I was after and had to request assistance from some poor lady who happened to be walking past me at the wrong time. Thank you stranger. All she had to do was hold the cart steady while I woman-handled the huge box onto the cart. I also found some baskets and boxes for the shelves.
I also got some goodies for the girls. I got Swedish fish and Cinnamon buns for Megan (and Danny) and I got drapes for Morgan and Melissa. They were both in need of new window coverings. I was thrilled to find out that IKEA drapes/curtains come with hemming tape. You know, the kind you iron with. No sewing. IKEA ROCKS yet again.
Melissa has a fairy theme in her room. She had Danny paint it Tinkerbell green. YUP. She did. I thought these curtains would make it seem a bit more like she was in the forest with the fairies. (I won't be posting a picture of her room. It is a wreck. Even after she "cleans" it. And I don't want you all to think I am a bad mom who lets her youngest have a messy room. So I will let you picture a much better looking room. She has bunk beds. Now you can get a better image.)
And Morgan's room is Pepto Pink. YUP. She wanted it. I know she LOVES pink, so I picked these Pink curtains for her. She really likes them. I know they are loud, but so is the rest of her room. I personally would have nightmares in there, but she seems to sleep just fine.
I got a few other odds and ends that I won't bore you with. I paid for everything and proceeded home. With a brief stop at Pierces BBQ in Williamsburg to bring dinner home. I got the whole meal: pulled pork, buns, slaw, potato salad, beans, cookies and soda. If you are in the Williamsburg area I HIGHLY recommend you eat there if you like BBQ.
Despite the small fortune I spent at IKEA, I was welcomed home with a smile and a hug.
I had food.
That he likes.
Seriously slacking in card making...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Menu Monday

Opus Gluei Challenge # 11 Sun/Sunshine

Writing on the sun: Just as the sun brings life to flowers, these things help me to shine.

This is just a detail shot. I love these flowers and had to add them because they were there.
Unity Stamp Company ROCKS

And here is the JUNE KIT OF THE MONTH. All of this for $29 after shipping. I love ALL of these and can't wait to get them and start playing.