Monday, July 20, 2009

Menu Monday

Danny is out of town for the week. So, I am NOT making big meals.

Monday: Happy Buffet - Chinese food buffet that rocks. I don't have to cook. And we don't have to wait. Everyone (but Danny) loves this place.

Tuesday: Fish Sticks and Mac & Cheese. Another food Danny doesn't like.

Wednesday: Angel Hair Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. Easy peasy dish.

Thursday: Chicken Nuggets, Fries and salad for the girls and Mashed Potatoes for me. (Root canal in the morning.)

Friday: Chinese food on the way home from getting Ryan. He has already started thinking about what he wants. He's a cutie pie.

Saturday: Spaghetti with meat sauce (or meatballs if I feel up to it and/or get help)

Sunday: Fish Tacos (baked Tilapia with spices - I don't like the battered and fried fish tacos)

1 comment:

Rosemary said...

Sure wish you weren't having more fun with dentistry - but I know you'll be better with it so for that I'm glad. Love the menu while Danny's away! Share your baked fish taco recipe, btw. (((Hugs)))