Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

This fine Thanksgiving, I am thankful for SO VERY MUCH in my life.

  • I have 3 healthy, relatively happy children. (Two of them are teens, how happy can they really be?????)
  • I have a job that I really like doing. One that I look forward to most days.
  • I have a roof over my head. A very nice one at that.
  • I have a pre-trained dog. He's perfect for our family. I'm pretty sure he likes us too.
  • I have family and friends who love me. And I actually like most of them.
  • I can blog when ever I choose about what ever I choose.
  • I have the ability to see. This is one for which I am MOST grateful for now more than ever before.
  • I have a reliable car. One that I almost really like a lot.
  • I have a Stuido to call my own. And enough stuff to open a small store. If I wanted to.
  • I have great bloggy friends who visit me. Thank you.

Hope your day is full of things for which to be THANKFUL.


Deena said...

hope you have a great thanksgiving! ours was over a while back, but with the snow and the wind, it is looking like a winter wonderland here and a turkey would be awesome for dinner tonight, but in Canada, it is leftovers and jealousy of the Black Friday sales being oh so advertised on our t.v. channels and snow covered, soon to be closed highways, with no way of heading to the hoo...but i hope you have a great family dinner and get some good deals tomorrow...

Rosemary said...

I love your list and I hope I made the friends you actually like one!!!