For the last couple of years DH and I have let the girls have a Halloween Party. They each invite a couple/few friends to spend the night and we play games, eat snacks and watch Halloween movies. It is now a tradition. One which their friends actually ask about right about this time of the year.
This year I had envisioned a really creepy invitation. I wanted to put a candy finger with a string tied around with a tag attached with the party info and the message "Don't forget". It got shot down. Complete with disgusted sigh and eye roll. From each one of my daughters. I don't get it. Isn't it a great idea?!
Isn't Halloween supposed to be creepy?!
Anyway, I came up with plan "B". Matchbox invitations.
I let each girl choose two papers, then I stamped, punched and glued. Yes, I did it. I LOVE playing with glue and papers.
Once the boxes were assembled, they were missing something. So I gave the stamped spiders googly eyes and then glued a spider inside each box. Yay! I got my creepy factor in.

Spider is hidden under the candy. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I think candy corn is the winner, but I would rather have the M&M's anyday.
Talk about a scary Halloween.

Now all I have to do is print off the information, cut into rectangles, fold in half and staple to the bags of candy. Guess I should go buy more candy corn. It's pretty much gone. I have an unusually high level of candy-evaporitis-in-no-timis in my house. It is a supernatural phenomenon with no known cure.
Then I will have to make goodie bags and decorate. Fun-ness for me.

Now all I have to do is print off the information, cut into rectangles, fold in half and staple to the bags of candy. Guess I should go buy more candy corn. It's pretty much gone. I have an unusually high level of candy-evaporitis-in-no-timis in my house. It is a supernatural phenomenon with no known cure.
Then I will have to make goodie bags and decorate. Fun-ness for me.