Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Menu Monday & Bonus Recipe (sorta)
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Opus Gluei Challenge # 48 - Get all Felt Up
I cut the butterflies with a die using my Sizzix.

That's why there is only one butterfly.
I like the way the stitching on the butterflies look like their bodies.

Here are the inside pages. I only stamped this one.
Nope, I couldn't find a needle to model. Figures, doesn't it.
Good Luck.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday Fillins # 169

1. The right word, the wrong woman.
2. Get your clothes on, walk out there and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up yours!
4. Blurfing is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that you're eating? I want one too.
6. Ignoring MY ideas, usually, is a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to pizza and Survivor, tomorrow my plans include hosting a SU Club Meeting and Sunday, I want to finally get off my large rear and start a walking regime.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Snapshot of the week so far...
She wants to dye the underneath part of her hair.
If her grades improve, I'll let her. Zeke had his sites on something.
I never did figure out what.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Happy Friend Makin' Monday!
1. Favorite things about Spring:
I love the warmer weather, the birds seem to sing a happier song and the flowers start blooming. All of the neighbors come out of their houses and do yard work. The kids are out on their bikes. More dogs are on leashes out walking about.
2. What I'm doing for Spring Break:
Spring break will be spent at home just hanging out and enjoying our "new" dog. We got Zeke from a rescue home. He's a perfect match for our family.
3. Favorite Spring flower:
I have a couple of favorites. How could I not! I love tulips and daffodils. They are pretty in vases, but I LOVE seeing them in gardens.
4. Do you have a garden:
We have a flower bed in front of the house. It isn't really a garden.
5. If so, what do you grow:
We have hosta's, blackeyed-susan's, day-lillies and some azaela's. Sometime I go wild and plant pansies. I might get nuts in a couple of weeks, when the threat of frost has past, and dig a bit.
6. Do you do Spring cleaning:
I guess I do! I am currently tackling my craft space. I have a habit of accumulating "stuff". It's time to sort through and weed out those things I am not in LOVE with. Oh, you mean the rest of the house. Not really. Just continue on with the normal routine.
7. What is your weather "really" like right now?
Our weather is perfect Spring weather. Yesterday was in the low 70's, sun shining, slight breeze. Today promises to be a bit different. We are expecting the upper 60's, and rainy weather. But still wonderful. It's warmer!
8. Snapped any weather related photos lately? Share one:

(Not a good picture. But I love it anyway.)
9. What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon?
Sunny afternoons are wonderful for naps. Short ones. And for bike rides through the neighborhood. And little trips to the beach. And picnics in the front yard.
10. Favorite TV show right now?
I saw Jamie Oliver's show last night. He has a HUGE job ahead of him. I am not so sure he will be able to change the minds of most people. I applaud his effort. And I would welcome him into my kitchen to make changes. Or even just a dinner. LOL.It was great having you stop by. Leave me a message to know you were here, and I'll stop by and visit next time I'm in the neighborhood.
7 Things ... I am loving right now.

Monday, March 22, 2010
Menu Monday

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Opus Gluei Challenge # 47
Here are the steps I took, without pictures, because at the time I didn't think about taking pictures. I was too "into" the process.
1. I inked the whole thing with a distressing ink.
2. I crumpled the paper and flattened it back out.
3. I inked it again. This intensified the ink on the creases.
4. I took it outside and misted it with a copper mist spray.
5. I punched out a bunch of butterflies, placed them randomly on the page and sprayed with a green mist spray. I wanted to mimic the aged look of copper. You can't really see the butterfly cutouts. It didn't really work like I had pictured, but it added some interest anyway.
6. I cut on the diagonal into 4 ATC's.
7. I stamped two edges of each ATC with a scroll-y border stamp.
8. I colored with some metallic-y pens.
9. I searched for butterfly quotes and picked four that I liked and weren't too long and printed them out.
10. I found some butterflies (metallic and grey) that were already on another project, carefully peeled them off of that project, carefully removed the foam tape because it was no longer sticky.
11. I cut little strips of foam adhesive to fit onto the little butterflies.
12. I cut the quotes into strips.
13 I played with the positioning until I liked it and glued down the strips and stuck down the butterflies.

Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday Fill-Ins #168

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Friend Makin' Monday, a little late...

Blurf Fav's - Second Edition
So, without further blabbering, here are a few more...

Come on, you know the name is getting you too.
It's actually Just Us Girls. But I like JUGS better. Maybe it's just my warped sense of humor.

Check out this oh-so-cute necklace. I could see me making this and wearing it.
Maybe it's the colors. I love me some spring green...
3. Monica's blog, Lick the Bowl Good, should be "Lick the screen". Because that is exactly what I want to do every time I see her amazing pictures. She not only takes all of these delicious shots, but she makes the food. Did you get me on that last one?
See this piece of cake. I want it. Now. Go over there and drool. Take a napkin. It might get messy. Just sayin'.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Menu Monday
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Heart the ART, Something from Nothing and Opus Gluei
I made this this morning. It satisfies me, but it also satisfies the requirements for a few other things.

How it came about: I traced the page onto grey cardstock and cut it out. Then I punched out flowers from the scraps of papers. I used the negative as a stencil and used white ink to print flowers onto the grey paper. Then I stamped an alphabet stamp allover the background. It's very faint, but it's there. Then I distressed and added the word paper, the flowers and the journaling and title blocks. I added the bling and the owl and then wrote.
Like most of the images I post, you can click on it for a better view.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

You all know how I LOVE pretty pictures. I am a color addict. There. It's out. But I am NOT going to do anything to change it. As a matter of fact, I am going to keep feeding my addiction.
Run if you want to. I won't blame you. I mean, really, who wants to associate with a self-admitted addict who refuses treatment. But, before you go, know that I WILL keep visiting you, especially if you keep posting pretty pictures.
Anyway, back to my addiction. I have taken Shimelle classes in the past. I like her style. She is okay with not being perfect. She is real. She has pretty pictures on her blog. Which is what caught my eye, and made me break VISION #5 - STOP. (In my defense, I ask you to recall VISION #10 - RELAX. Can you say Loop-hole?!?! Plus, I can argue that this is supporting VISION #7 - LESS.)

While I signed up for the class because the visual was something I just couldn't pass up, I found out that this is a class that I DO really need right now. I logged in this morning and found this:
Thirsty Thursday
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Heart the ART... playing catch-up.
Week 4 was "Under Control" - I have NEVER had a sweet tooth. I was the weird kid who traded her cupcake for a baked potato. I could easily pass on sweets for chips. Salty was my choice. Now, however, I want both. Chocolate covered pretzels will require a cigarette break afterwards. Okay, maybe it isn't that bad. But not far from it.
I totally lifted the journalling on the flamingo's from Gina. I figure it is one of her stamps, so it's okay. Right?
The journaling reads: How did this happen to me? I never had one before. Now it is out of control. I need to stop eating sweets & get back to my old healthy way of life. Less sweets and more produce. (you can click on it to see the details better.) I used Gina's fabulous Flamingo stamp for journaling blocks. Love this bird.
The prompt for week 5 was Thrive. It wasn't hard to come up with this one. I know what I need. I need creativity everyday. It doesn't always have to include paint, glue or paper, but it needs to be in there somewhere everyday.
I actually had this done at the end of January. I just haven't posted it. I wanted to do a page without pictures and competely digital. I almost succeded. I have since printed it out and added a "I (heart) ME" button and a little sparrow stamp, along with some white underlining on the "THRIVE" around the edges. I can't get a good picture of the printed out version, so here is the digi copy. I scanned one of the blank sheets from this book and made a template in PSE7 for me to use. I didn't think to cut out the holes. I wish I had because as you can see, some of the words are cut out. Oopsie.

It seems a bit wild to read, but it really isn't bad. Just read each color/style of words at a time. Again, if you click on it, you can see it better.
Now off to the last half of the prompts...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Menu Monday
Monday - Hot Dogs, baked beans, asparagus and chips (Melissa's choice)
(edit: We had the hot dogs, but I opted for fresh fruit and baked fries.)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Jingle happy, Mojo happy and Opus happy

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Easter Cards and Tootsie Rolls
But, I have been absent and I apologize. I know you missed me. And I missed you too.
Okay, moving on. I want to say up front that I saw this idea on someone elses blog, but I can't remember where. I just know that I saw this and had one of those "I can do that" moments. The timing was perfect. Danny had just bought a Sam's bag of Tootsie Rolls. (What family REALLY needs one of those?) So, getting wrappers wasn't a problem. I had plenty of volunteers to help empty said wrappers too. AND I had just finished cleaning out Melissa's room where I found 3 D-ring belts that she didn't want any more. (Can you hear the angels singing?)
I made two of them. One for Morgan (13 year old) and one for Melissa (10 year old). They both love them. And so do their friends. I am a "COOL MOM" according to their friends. YAY ME!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010
Shakespeare never imagined this...
It was one of the best plays I have ever seen. (No bias here.) The children were all so good. (When you keep in mind that they are 9 and 10 years old, and not professional actors.)
Melissa got to play Seyton, the Sargent. One of MacBeth's army. She was wonderful. (Again, not biased here. Uh, uh. Not me.) She was one of the first on the stage and set the rest of the play up for success. (Did I mention that I am not biased here. Not at all.)

Over-Used Recipe Swap

Monday, March 1, 2010
Menu Monday