Last week was, um, an interesting one. Our dishwasher died. Danny is really, really good at fixing things, but this one was beyond repair. So we had to get a new one. We picked one that wasn't in stock and had to be trucked in. That meant we wouldn't have a dishwasher for 3 days. It altered my MENU plan dramatically. Since I have a green mind, we DID NOT buy paper plates (I am not fanatic about paper plates, this was more of a ploy to get out of cooking.) Instead, we ate takeout, out of the containers, and ate at restaurants. Completely acceptable according to the dice, but not planned. Certainly enjoyable. Especially by ME!!! We have a dishwasher again. Hurray. (NOT) SO...
Sorry for the interuption, I'll get you back to the regularly scheduled post now:
Monday: Steamed Shrimp, Salad and French Bread
Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas, Refried Beans and Salad
Wednesday:Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Baked Beans and Salad
Thursday: Chicken Stew, Salad and Crusty Cuban Bread
Friday: Pizza and Salad
Saturday: Dinner at the Mall, Back to School Clothes Shopping
Sunday: Pasta with Meatballs, Salad and Italian Bread