Friday, February 15, 2008

Strep-ed of my sleep, again...

This is D3 looking through one of the crystal balls at the Smithsonian. I am feeling about as clear headed these days....
I was actually looking forward to waking up this morning and going in to the office. I have some ideas about how to make things flow easier. But my darling little girl (D3) had other plans for my day. She came into my room at a VERY early 5:30am and promptly informed me that her throat hurt. I did what any good mom does at 5:30am, and had her get in bed with me, but on her father's side. (he was in the shower). The guilt took over and I was up and giving her ibuprofen at 5:34am. She and I got back in bed and I slept for another 30 minutes. Time to get her sisters up for school. Silly me. D2 comes into the room and shows me her rash covered tummy and sides. Hmmm. I vaguely remember something about this and strep. Can't be good for me. (or them) I get coffee going. An absolute must today. Thankfully D1 claimed no aches or pains, so I send her off to school.

Long story short, D3 was seen by Dr G and has tested positive for strep throat, again. She just finished taking the antibiotic a week ago for her last bout. D2 was deemed to have an allergic reaction, according to the nurse over the phone. "But, if it gets worse call us in the morning and you can bring her in." (another trip to the pediatric offices - if we have to take D2 in, it will be the fourth trip in the last couple of weeks) We had strep (D3), regularly scheduled check-ups, and strep (D3, again). Stopped at WalMart for the $170 prescription. (But the medicine comes with a lot of other cool stuff, you know, Barbie, movies, scrapbooking stuff, etc...actual medicine was about $8, but it sounds so much better this way).

All of the above added to the fact that DH has been SNORING loudly for the last couple of weeks makes for one sleep deprived mommy. I may just sleep on the couch tonight, as I type this I can hear him from the bedroom. ARRRGGGGGGGG.
Well, good night. I'll let you know how it went. Or you will just hear about me on the news..... Temporary insanity, and you are my witness.


Amy said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon, when my dh wakes me up with his snoring I shake the bed until he wakes up...LOL then tell him to stay awake until I fall asleep...get some rest girlie

Anonymous said...

Hey there, I'm so sorry the girls are sick. Their Auntie wishes them all the best and to get well soon. Make DH sleep on the sofa, then you can close the door and get some rest. You need that or it will be Mom1 who ends up at the doctor's office. Love you, J!