Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins #126
I missed out on Friday Fill-Ins on Friday. I was still pretty pain-free. Anyway, here they are:
1. It's cold and I shiver right after surgery.
2. Don't ever feed me tomatoes.
3. My favorite health and beauty product is Bath and Body Works shower gel.
4. Let's hop on our bikes and go for a nice long ride.
5. Well, first of all I have to catch up online, then I can play a bit.
6. Me, an ex, my daughters; those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was weird, very weird.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to painkillers, tomorrow my plans include finishing a project, holding the couch down and eating more "soft" foods and Sunday, I want to have my face back to normal size. I am tired of looking like the hunchback - er, ah I mean hunchface!
1. It's cold and I shiver right after surgery.
2. Don't ever feed me tomatoes.
3. My favorite health and beauty product is Bath and Body Works shower gel.
4. Let's hop on our bikes and go for a nice long ride.
5. Well, first of all I have to catch up online, then I can play a bit.
6. Me, an ex, my daughters; those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was weird, very weird.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to painkillers, tomorrow my plans include finishing a project, holding the couch down and eating more "soft" foods and Sunday, I want to have my face back to normal size. I am tired of looking like the hunchback - er, ah I mean hunchface!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Back from the wilderness...
My family went camping this past weekend with a very dear family. We ALL get along wonderfully. Apart or together, we get along. Amazing, I know. But true.
We had a marvelous time connecting, catching up and having fun. We pitched our tents, spread out our sleeping bags (blew up the air matresses), and went out for dinner. Camping is fun. We (the mom's) felt like having a mini-vacation too.
I feel like I have been out of touch. I didn't have my internet access. No TV. Not even radio. We did keep our cell phones. No sense in going fanatical about camping. It was a wonderful, relaxed weekend. Even with the loud-party-til-3-am-neighbors, we enjoyed it and are looking forward to another trip sometime in the future.
So here I am at waytoolateoclock, blogging and hoping you all understand that it will take me a few days to catch up with things. I will visit you all. Just be patient with me.
See you soon,
We had a marvelous time connecting, catching up and having fun. We pitched our tents, spread out our sleeping bags (blew up the air matresses), and went out for dinner. Camping is fun. We (the mom's) felt like having a mini-vacation too.
I feel like I have been out of touch. I didn't have my internet access. No TV. Not even radio. We did keep our cell phones. No sense in going fanatical about camping. It was a wonderful, relaxed weekend. Even with the loud-party-til-3-am-neighbors, we enjoyed it and are looking forward to another trip sometime in the future.
So here I am at waytoolateoclock, blogging and hoping you all understand that it will take me a few days to catch up with things. I will visit you all. Just be patient with me.
See you soon,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Opus Gluei - Week 10 - Off Color
The challenge at OPUS GLUEI this week is to use the color you like the least. I really don't dislike any colors. I LOVE color. And the more color, the better. So the only thing I could honestly do was to remove all color. (technically I know that black is ALL color combined, but you know what I mean)
I sat for quite some time not feeling the muse. So I finally just grabbed some black and white things and started throwing them around on a white card base until I liked the arrangement.

I sat for quite some time not feeling the muse. So I finally just grabbed some black and white things and started throwing them around on a white card base until I liked the arrangement.

Thanks for looking. Now it's your turn to create something with your least favorite color.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins #125 we go!
1. Moving takes more energy these days than it used to.
2. I'll download just about anything if it's free.
3. My best quality is my eyes.
4. Don't ignore the details.
5. In nearly 10 years, we will be empty nesters. And I will miss the little messes all over the house.
6. A stiff drink is what I need right now!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing our good friends at the campground, tomorrow my plans include waking in a tent and Sunday, I want to enjoy the great outdoors!
1. Moving takes more energy these days than it used to.
2. I'll download just about anything if it's free.
3. My best quality is my eyes.
4. Don't ignore the details.
5. In nearly 10 years, we will be empty nesters. And I will miss the little messes all over the house.
6. A stiff drink is what I need right now!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing our good friends at the campground, tomorrow my plans include waking in a tent and Sunday, I want to enjoy the great outdoors!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Opus Gluei and Scrappy Frogs Challenges
I made this album to commemorate a vacation I took with a very dear friend.

We went on a cruise in February and I decided to make us each one of these albums.
Opus Gluei's theme is GETAWAY. And a getaway it was. I had never been on a cruise before, so I didn't know what to expect. I DID have in mind sunny, warm weather. But that never materialized. As a matter of fact, the Captain didn't stop at their own little island for the beach day because the weather was so choppy. But that didn't stop us from having a wonderful time.
If you have never been on a cruise, GO. Well worth the money. AND so very relaxing.
Scrappy Frogs Challenge was to use a circle. The cover of this album is perfect for this.

For the rest of the album go here. All of the pages are posted on Opus Gluei.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Fill-Ins
TGIF - I LOVE me some Friday. I am SOOOO not looking forward to getting back into the office today. I was out of town for a few days, and I know that there will be hundreds of emails awaiting me in my inbox. Yikes.
Before I head off though, here is this weeks Friday Fill-Ins:
1. If we had no winter then spring would not be so wonderful.
2. Each day brings a perpetual astonishment.
3. If I had my life to live over there is very little I would change.
4. Do you know how we can fit a few more hours inside of four and twenty hours.
5. If you've never been thrilled you haven't hung out with me.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons just think how monotonous life would be with the same weather week after week after week.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Survivor and pizza, tomorrow my plans include clearing out LOTS of crap from my crap, er, uh, I mean scrap space and Sunday, I want to be far enough along to actually play a bit in my newly cleaned up scrap space!
Have a wonderful Friday.
Live long and prosper.
Before I head off though, here is this weeks Friday Fill-Ins:
1. If we had no winter then spring would not be so wonderful.
2. Each day brings a perpetual astonishment.
3. If I had my life to live over there is very little I would change.
4. Do you know how we can fit a few more hours inside of four and twenty hours.
5. If you've never been thrilled you haven't hung out with me.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons just think how monotonous life would be with the same weather week after week after week.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Survivor and pizza, tomorrow my plans include clearing out LOTS of crap from my crap, er, uh, I mean scrap space and Sunday, I want to be far enough along to actually play a bit in my newly cleaned up scrap space!
Have a wonderful Friday.
Live long and prosper.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
365 Cards Day 74 - DIY Handwritten Sentiment
I only made this one little card today. Yes, I am still in a hotel room. But, a few of us stopped at a bar to celebrate a birthday, and I didn't get back here until 10pm. Well, I had some calls to make, and here it is 20 minutes to midnight. I threw this little card together for the 365 Cards Day 74 - DIY Handwritten Sentiment Challenge.

The picture is terrible, but I am not going to take it again. I am tired and going to bed.
Thanks for looking.
I'll be home tomorrow, so I may or may not get a chance to make cards tomorrow or Friday. But most certainly will on Saturday or Sunday.
I don't know about tomorrow because I am not going straight home. I am taking a detour to IKEA. Yay me.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
365 Cards Days 72 & 73 and Mojo Monday Week 86
I am on travel for work. I am in DC for the next two nights. YAHOO. I get the whole bed to myself. And I am LOVIN' it. Don't get me wrong here. I love my family. But, I think I am going to love them even more after this small break. I packed this morning and brought my newly received Cocoa Daisy Kit. I opened it in the room after I checked in. I AM IN LOVE.

So, I dashed across the street, brought back a chef's salad and broke into action. It is amazing what you can accomplish without interruption.
365 Cards Day 72 Musical Monday - The challenge from yesterday was to use a music note on your card.

I had some music themed things leftover from an album I made for my nephew, so I grabbed that this morning on my way out the door. It's a simple card. But one of my fav's.
365 Cards Day 73 Tuesday's Trio - The challenge from today is to use a circle, bling and scallop on your card.

I had these adorable little bling stickers that were yelling to me for the last few days, so I brought them too. The stamp on the "Island" is from a previous Cocoa Daisy kit. I don't remember which kit.
Mojo Monday Week 86 offered up this sketch:

Almost everything on this card is from the May Cocoa Daisy Kit. I used one of the Snag'em Stamps from Imaginisce. The tree is from "Fairest of Them All" collection.

And this last one I made just because I LOVE this little bee stamp. It is a Cocoa Daisy exclusive.

Thanks for looking.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
365 Cards - Day 71 - Super Sketchy Sunday
365 Cards Challenge today is to use this sketch:

And here is my Forest Friendly card:

Thanks for looking.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Awesome Saturday
Today was one of the best days I have had in a long time.
Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Got up too early to the sound of shouting. (Typical!!!)
Went to Morgan's track team fund raiser breakfast. It was pretty good. I don't normally like pancakes and these were good. After breakfast I took Megan and we went to Target and to the BRAND NEW TRADER JOE's. I am so excited that one opened up here. I used to shop there when I lived in CA. First things first though. Target was a return and shorts for Megan. $200 later, we left the store. No, she didn't get that many shorts. But rather we got more socks, because they are eaten regularly by the local sock monster. We also got some cool patriotic T-shirts for all of us girls. I didn't see the men's. (shrug shoulder here) Megan and I also got new purses. (I really should say suitcases because we could pack enough in them to last a long weekend.) We got some toiletries too. And several other items that I won't bore you with.
I guess we didn't do too bad considering all we got.
Came home and I worked on catching up with 365 Cards and my Opus Gluei project. The 365 Cards Challenge is a personal goal for this year. I WILL go back and make the first month's worth of cards that I missed out on. I want to do this. AND the Opus Gluei Challenge is Rosemary and my little project for the year. Just something to do. We are having fun with it.
I bought hamburgers for dinner. Danny grilled them and we ate outside. It was SOOOO beautiful outside. After dinner we cleaned up and I took Melissa and Morgan for a bike ride. This is the view I saw of Morgan for most of the ride.

Megan and Danny didn't want to join us. It was fabulous anyway. I feel really good about getting out there and moving. Melissa took her baby with us in her basket.
(No, she isn't dead, she's sleeping.)

It was so cute. I took my new insulated cup filled with water. I put it in the cute little basket on my handlebars. (Just like Melissa's basket.)
And I wore my new blue sunglasses. They are fun. (Pic later.)
After we came home I finished up my Opus Gluei project and here I am posting today.
Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow.
365 Cards - Catch Up Days 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70
Whew. I am caught up with 365 Cards challenges. I knew I would have to put off making these cards until today. I had a busy week. But, I am now caught up and pleased with my cards.
Yup, I am patting myself on the back.
Day 66 - A Certain Sentiment #2 - You are there, I am here. Use this phrase on your card.

Day 67 - Think Pink. The dominant color should be pink.

Day 68 - I want candy. Use a piece of candy or let candy inspire you.

Day 69 - Glad for the Grad - Make a graduation card.

Day 70 - Ad Inspire - Use this AD to inspire you.

So I did.

Thanks for looking.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Blabbering to procrastinate.
I surf the web. No surprise there. But sometimes you find little treasures that you wouldn't expect. I visit the blogs listed there on the left side bar regularly-ish.

I love saving the environment with pretty and cool things.
WELL, I just stopped by Tami's blog to see what wonderful creations she had been up to, and imagine my delight when she posted about an insulated cup she had just gotten. I fell in love.
This is hers.
And now this:

Is mine. Saw it on her blog Wednesday and picked one up on Thursday. They are insulated cups. Aren't they cool! They look just like the Starbucks cold beverage cups. They even have the little check mark boxes printed on the other side.
I love saving the environment with pretty and cool things.
Isn't it cool!
Friday Fill-Ins
It's Friday again and I haven't posted one thing on this blog all week.
I better work on that. In the meantime...
I better work on that. In the meantime...
1. Apples are to oranges as my hubby's thoughts are to mine.
2. I can't wanna and that's all I have to say about that.
3. I think I hear my craft table calling me home.
4. I have immense respect for the American flag.
5. Do what you want to do, but don't expect me to.
6. The dragon was flying to the castle and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with all the latest, cutest scrapbook supplies.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Survivor and pizza (well, not so much on the pizza part), tomorrow my plans include Breakfast at "Barflbees", a bike ride and crafting and Sunday, I want to Go with the flow. I have no idea what is in store for me. It's Mother's Day, which can mean just about anything in my house!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Parts of me have moved.
Things were getting pretty messy here.
SO, I decided to open shop for my cards and crafty stuff.
Don't worry, I will maintain this blog for all other interests.

You are welcome on both blogs. See ya real soon...
365 Cards - Day 65 - Mother's Day Card
Today's 365 Cards challenge wasn't so much a challenge but rather an opportunity to honor a special woman in your life. I am only partly completing this challenge. I have already made my Mother's Day card. I am splitting the challenge into two parts.
1. Honor important women in my life. And important in my daughters' lives.
2. Make a card. Mine just happens to be around a chocolate bar and for an important male.
I made Teacher Appreciation Gifts. Small tokens to give to the teachers at the elementary school that nurtured and taught my daughters. Two have moved on to be excellent students in middle school and one is still learning and thriving at the elementary school. All of them honor roll students. I am a full time work outside the home mom, so most of the credit goes to the fabulous teachers. I really appreciate them and don't show them often enough.
The women will receive a flower pen. Not very original, but flowers make people smile. I want them to smile. Who can write with a big flower on the end of their pens and not smile! The men will receive a chocolate bar. I can't see them writing with a big flower on the end of their pens. And who doesn't smile with chocolate.

1. Honor important women in my life. And important in my daughters' lives.
2. Make a card. Mine just happens to be around a chocolate bar and for an important male.
I made Teacher Appreciation Gifts. Small tokens to give to the teachers at the elementary school that nurtured and taught my daughters. Two have moved on to be excellent students in middle school and one is still learning and thriving at the elementary school. All of them honor roll students. I am a full time work outside the home mom, so most of the credit goes to the fabulous teachers. I really appreciate them and don't show them often enough.
The women will receive a flower pen. Not very original, but flowers make people smile. I want them to smile. Who can write with a big flower on the end of their pens and not smile! The men will receive a chocolate bar. I can't see them writing with a big flower on the end of their pens. And who doesn't smile with chocolate.

Yup, the flowers are all pens. I made roughly 100 pens and wrapped 8 chocolate bars. They aren't very fancy, but my fingers are tired after making the pens.
(and I HAVE to post, right?!?!)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
365 Cards Day 63 Floral Fest

Put 8 flowers on your card. Sounds like a lot. It is. 365 Cards really pushes you to go outside your comfort zone. I never would have put this many flowers before.

I used Making Memories Chloe's Closet collection. And various flowers. Plus ribbon unknown.
Thanks for looking.
Friday, May 1, 2009
365 Cards - Day 62 - Age is just a number
365 Cards continues to challenge me. Believe it or not, my family, immediate and extended, does not, I repeat, NOT, have a birthday until JULY. And the challenge today is to use a number.

"A number should be on the card - a date, age, whatever - but the number should signify the importance of the event."
I will store this card in my card box until July when my husband turns 53.

Thanks for looking.
Friday Fill-Ins we go!
1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is staying out of my drawers.
2. I don't want clams.
3. When I think of carnivals I think of wierdos.
4. I can't pick my favorite spring flower.
5. Things on my desk include - NO explanation necessary. Just look at the pic above.
6. Rainy weather makes me wanna play in my craft room or curl up and read a book.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Survivor, but not the pizza, tomorrow my plans include Cinderella Marathon organized by my darling Melissa and Sunday, I want to Clean up some of my craft table so I can play!
1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is staying out of my drawers.
2. I don't want clams.
3. When I think of carnivals I think of wierdos.
4. I can't pick my favorite spring flower.
5. Things on my desk include - NO explanation necessary. Just look at the pic above.
6. Rainy weather makes me wanna play in my craft room or curl up and read a book.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Survivor, but not the pizza, tomorrow my plans include Cinderella Marathon organized by my darling Melissa and Sunday, I want to Clean up some of my craft table so I can play!
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