Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Friend Makin' Monday!

Happy Friend Makin' Monday. A bit after Monday, but heartfelt just the same.
Welcome to my little spot in cyber space. Have a look around and make yourself at home. Anyway, onto our conversation this week:

1. Favorite things about Spring:

I love the warmer weather, the birds seem to sing a happier song and the flowers start blooming. All of the neighbors come out of their houses and do yard work. The kids are out on their bikes. More dogs are on leashes out walking about.

2. What I'm doing for Spring Break:

Spring break will be spent at home just hanging out and enjoying our "new" dog. We got Zeke from a rescue home. He's a perfect match for our family.

3. Favorite Spring flower:

I have a couple of favorites. How could I not! I love tulips and daffodils. They are pretty in vases, but I LOVE seeing them in gardens.

4. Do you have a garden:

We have a flower bed in front of the house. It isn't really a garden.

5. If so, what do you grow:

We have hosta's, blackeyed-susan's, day-lillies and some azaela's. Sometime I go wild and plant pansies. I might get nuts in a couple of weeks, when the threat of frost has past, and dig a bit.

6. Do you do Spring cleaning:

I guess I do! I am currently tackling my craft space. I have a habit of accumulating "stuff". It's time to sort through and weed out those things I am not in LOVE with. Oh, you mean the rest of the house. Not really. Just continue on with the normal routine.

7. What is your weather "really" like right now?

Our weather is perfect Spring weather. Yesterday was in the low 70's, sun shining, slight breeze. Today promises to be a bit different. We are expecting the upper 60's, and rainy weather. But still wonderful. It's warmer!

8. Snapped any weather related photos lately? Share one:

This is Dog Walking Weather. We just adopted the most wonderful dog. And the girls are really enjoying taking him out. Often.
(Not a good picture. But I love it anyway.)

9. What's your favorite thing to do on a sunny afternoon?

Sunny afternoons are wonderful for naps. Short ones. And for bike rides through the neighborhood. And little trips to the beach. And picnics in the front yard.

10. Favorite TV show right now?

I saw Jamie Oliver's show last night. He has a HUGE job ahead of him. I am not so sure he will be able to change the minds of most people. I applaud his effort. And I would welcome him into my kitchen to make changes. Or even just a dinner. LOL.

It was great having you stop by. Leave me a message to know you were here, and I'll stop by and visit next time I'm in the neighborhood.


Electra said...

I was here. I love you doing this on Mondays. It makes me smile. Now if only I could get my sh#& together, I could join you.

Anonymous said...

Love the new family member! ADORABLE! We difinetly have the same taste in flowers! Happy Spring to you and yours!!!

psst... I'm a follower now :)