Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Monday

This week's menu is brought to us by my oldest daughter, Megan. She came up with it over brunch this morning. She even made the shopping list. She looked up recipes. And checked the cupboards for the ingredients. She did a great job. And even better is that she will help cook, if not cook herself. Love this part.

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Monday - Burritos and sopa

Tuesday - Dogs and brats

Wednesday - Shepards Pie - And here is her recipe in a 4x6 format.

Thursday - Meatball Patty Melts

Friday - Pizza

Saturday - Dinner Out

Sunday - Girl Scout Stew
Now tell me what plans you have for your stove this week...


Electra said...

Plans for my stove. Hmmmm, not much. Hey, would Megan come to my house if I buy her a plane ticket?

Rosemary said...

Hmmm..okay, well David made steak last night with sweet potatoes and mushrooms and was delicious..Tuesday, oh boy, I have to put on my thinking cap.

Love that Megan got into this and is getting all organized.