Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday Fill-Ins # 174

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday Tease...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Blurf Fav's and Pay It Forward

* * *
3. Amy at Tsuruta Designs comes up with some of the cutest cards. She also belongs to a few Design Teams. I haven't even tried to count them. Just go to her place and have a look-see. She also posted about Pay it forward.
* * *
So here's the pledge:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Menu Monday (on Tuesday)

Monday, April 26, 2010
Friend Makin' Monday

4. Peach Tea
Sunday, April 25, 2010
52nd Challenge on OPUS GLUEI
Technically, Rosemary and I have been posting to OPUS GLUEI for over a year, but we took a couple of breaks due to really busy times for both of us. Our reasoning for starting OPUS GLUEI was that most of the challenge blogs we saw were taking themselves WAY TOO SERIOUS. They wanted new projects. They wanted only one type of project. Granted, that requires creativity and thought. We wanted a challenge blog that let people run with their ideas. AND we have NO DEADLINES. I don't always get inspired by a topic right away. Sometimes inspiration will hit me days, weeks or even months after the idea is introduced. So we did away with deadlines. We do a re-cap every week, and include projects submitted for ANY of the OPUS GLUEI challenges, past or present.
We really have NO restrictions. No real guidelines either. Take our topic and run with it. We don't demand any certain medium, but rather embrace them ALL.
This weeks 52nd challenge is to MAKE SOMETHING.
Anything. Just make something. Doodle, cook, garden. As I have here. But this is no ordinary garden.

Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday Fill-Ins # 173

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mojo Monday # 135
A Day at the Beach ATC

I took the picture at work. I had to rip open the envelope 2 times. I forgot to write my info on the back the first time. And I forgot to take a picture (cause of the second rip open). My partner got it and liked it. Hurray.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Opus Gluei Challenge # 51
I made two sets of cards, based on a card I made at a Stampin' Up club meeting recently.
Each card uses 4 stamps and 2 inks.

But pretty I think.
(Stamps: Owl-Unity: Rose-Unknown: Letters, Butterfly, dots, branch-Stampin' Up)
(Ink: White cards:Stampin' Up-Old Olive and Rich Razzleberry)
(Ink: Kraft cards: Stampin' Up Old Olive and Dusty Durango)
* * * * *
Next up is this set of ATC's. I really wanted to see the difference, up close and personal using watercolor crayons, colored pencils and Copic markers.

Hope you can play with us over at Opus Gluei this week.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4 x 6 Recipe Card - Sunshine Chicken
WARNING: It happened to me. It could happen to you.
I had a 50 percent off coupon. 50 PERCENT. How could I ignore that one! So I am trying to decide which item I just can't live without, when I see "IT". The 7 Gypsies 4x6 Photo Stand. I really didn't know what I would use it for, but HOLY COW, have you seen them. They are mouth-watering gorgeous. It was snatched off that display quicker than my new dog can get the hunk of cheese out of your hand. Know what I mean?
I brought it home and assembled it. Because there is a bit of assembly required, but for half price, I can assemble. I did this at the kitchen table because my craft room is, well, full of crap. But it turned out to be a good thing. One of those gift horse situations. If I hadn't put it together on the kitchen table, it wouldn't have been put on the counter whilst clearing the table for dinner and my 15 year old (who is the MOST craft challenged in the family) wouldn't have asked if it was a new recipe holder.
BRILLIANT. I love that idea. And SO it was born. Yet another project for me. Cuz you really can't have too many, can you?
Here is the second recipe for my new Recipe Holder. (The first is a brownie recipe from Stacy Julian. It was sent in the mail for one of the 4 gazillion classes I have taken at Big Picture Scrapbooking.)

Monday, April 19, 2010
Menu Monday

* * *
Monday: Steamed shrimp, french bread and salad
Tuesday: Hot dogs, chips and salad
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I am now an ADVENTURER. Officially.

(You will have to excuse the picture. It was taken in the office with my phone. My next class is how to take better pictures. Really. It starts next month.)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday Fill-Ins # 172

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
ATC's and some Bowls

I really love the way he turned out. Yup, it's a boy. Cuz I say so, that's how I know.
This is what I received:

* * * * *
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Your Boss
He is demanding.
Knows what he wants and gets it.
He praises me too. Grape Jelly
It makes me smile.
Put on biscuits or on bread.
Purple, sticky YUM.
Country Music
Listen long enough,
you get your wife and dog back.
Get your boots and go.
The Eraser
Mistakes made by me.
Easily taken away.
Thank you Eraser.

Stinky smelly stuff.
It has to go in the can,
where we won't see it.

Havarti, Gouda,
Provolone, Parmesan, Swiss,
Cheddar, Romano
Now that you have written yours, and read mine,
go and post them on your blog,
THEN go and add your link to Kristen's blog.
(And of course leave me a note and let me know that you played along.)
(Images were all found on FLICKR)
Opus Gluei Challenge # 50 - For the Birds

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A bunch of Zeke's
March 20 - We adopt a dog.
March 20 - Danny installs a couple of baby-gates to keep doggie down-stairs. Danny screws one end of gate into the wall, but leaves the other un-attached because our new little darling hasn't shown any signs of pushing against the gate.
March 23 - We discover that darling, perfect doggie can open the gate. He uses his nose to retract the gate a bit and then pushes the gate open. Smart doggie.
Sometime between March 20 and yesterday we had this conversation:
Danny (DH) - I'm going to install the gate on the other wall.
Me - Don't you think he'll jump the gate if he can't open it?
DH - Nah!!!
Me - (give him a look with raised eyebrows, but don't say anything)
Fast forward to last night... I nearly snorted water out of my nose while blurfing.
Notice that the dogs are jumping over the fence from a MUCH lower elevation.

Image Source: Mrs. Harward at The Harward's. (lots of pretty pictures - she lives on a farm near a national park - and YES the house in her blog banner is hers - lucky lady isn't she)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Stamp carving - delayed due to technical difficulites

Menu Monday
Monday - Danny made chicken burritos. YUMMY. (and not just because HE cooked, they tasted really good.)
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Pizza and Survivor - It's spring break for us, so we get to watch it real time. Woo hoo!
Friday - Chili and cornbread
Saturday - Pot Roast
Sunday -
Plans are still in the works. I'll fill in as we go along...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Opus Gluei # 49 and my first hand-carved stamp

I traced the page template from my HEART the ART journal and stamped my own peacock feather stamp, with Staz On brown, in an arc. I was hoping to mimic a peacock's plummage. Then I had to stamp a white edge along the scalloped border because the word FEARLESS wasn't visible. Stamped FEARLESS. I stamped a grid onto a complimentary paper. Then the quote. All in black. I stamped an old Stampin Up background stamp of little dots on the wispy part of the feathers. Then I wrote the whimpy journalling. It looked pretty plain. SO I started to glitter. At first it was just the inside of the bigger part of the feathers. Then I decided to outline in green. Then it needed more, so I glittered more of the feather lines. Now you would think that was enough. NOPE. I colored in some of the dots with metallic Gelly Roll pens.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday Fill-Ins # 170