(Journaling reads: What would I do without friends. I need them for my sanity. I have them all over the country. Maybe it's part of the reason I love technology. I talk to Kathy (IL) every afternoon on the way home from work. She it there for me. Never judges. Understands the trials and tribulations with having a teenage daughter. Pluse she has the most adorable laugh. Rosemary (MD) and I are crafty. Somehow we got the bright idea to start a challenge blog. It's fun and creative. We motivate and encourage each other to pursue our creative sides. Lori (No. VA) and her family have been friends with our family forever it seems. Our kids are the same ages and generally get along. And certainly not least, are my web friends. They are there supporting and sharing their lives, crafts and dreams. All of my friends keep me grounded, let me know that I am not crazy and they are just ALL AROUND FUN.)
This is a two page layout for a 6x12 album I am making for a Big Picture Scrapbooking class I am taking. I have several layouts to catch up with, but it should go pretty quickly. These are a fun size to work with. I haven't done this size before, but will again. I sort of treated it like a 12x12, just had in my mind that I didn't want to put anything other than the title on the left page. It's a hybrid. It's backward. I made the layout using paper and glue. Then took a picture and added the title and journaling with PSE7. I was rushing to get it posted because I ran out of time. I want to practice writing it out because I want to use my handwriting for this album. It IS about ME after all. I'll try to remember to post again with the final title and handwritten journaling.
Thanks for looking. And thanks for being my friend.
I love this so much! Okay, where to start? You are in a BPS class (I'm stunned, shocked, surprised - uh, NOT). You are kicking a$$ in said class, again NOT surprised but so happy for you - you said you were going to do them and finish them and you are making a fabulous start!
I'm glad you're my friend soooo much, I love you to pieces! You are talented, sweet, funny, kind to the core, and a great person. This layout is so you - it's so happy and colorful. I love the way the star captures your attention and then draws you in to look at this more and more. (Did you MAKE the star or buy it like that?) The paper, ribbon, and other embellies (love those stamped on flowers you made) just pop!
Damn, you are lucky to know that Rosemary chick - I hear she is way cool and doesn't judge either. She rawks....lol She is your BFF, seriously, chicky.
Hi there, love the layout and I love the writeup about your friends and how dear they are to you! That is very special that you have great friends!
dude, this is EASILY cool enough to cover a MULTITUDE of projects; also, it is perfect for BOTH assignments and thus a fair-n-square multi-tasker!!! :)
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